Greek Life

Information for Parents

Entering college is an exciting time in a student’s life. The challenge and rewards of this new life can be enhanced through the fraternity or sorority experience. Greek letter organizations have been on the UM campus since the mid-1960s, and today we have 14 Greek letter organizations with currently more than 300 students involved in the Greek system.

There are many myths that exist about the Greek community, and we at UM are working to extinguish these and help you and your son or daughter better understand the reality of Greek life. You’ll find men and women in fraternities and sororities are committed to their academics, volunteer time in the community, develop and strengthen leadership skills, and form a campus support network.

UM is committed to the positive development of our Greek affiliated students. Involvement in a fraternity or sorority can enrich the undergraduate experience and provide a strong foundation for cognitive, social, and personal development.

Sorority Parent Information

Fraternity Parent Information

NPHC National Website