
Academic Accommodation Requests

  1. Student completes the online AAC Application via the online AAC Portal and submits disability documentation, as appropriate. AAC staff will review that information and schedule an intake meeting to obtain additional information and discuss the student’s accommodations needs and AAC procedures.
  1. If student agrees with AAC recommendations for accommodation, then the student will submit a request for Faculty Notification Letters (FNL) to be delivered. (If student disagrees with AAC recommendations for accommodations, then the student may appeal the decision using the Student Disability Grievance Procedure.)
  1. Student will be copied when FNLs are emailed. Faculty will also be able to access a record of students’ accommodation needs via the AAC Faculty Portal. FNLs do not include diagnosis, nor can faculty view this information in the AAC portal. Student is then responsible for following up on those emails with each professor, via phone, Zoom, by email or in person, to discuss the specifics of which accommodations might be needed in a specific class and allow for discussion of implementation. The same accommodation, extended time on tests, for instance, might be handled differently in various classes, depending on the nature of the class, the types of tests, or possible scheduling issues on the part of student or faculty.
  1. If the faculty and student have questions regarding implementation, either party may contact AAC. If faculty feel that a specific recommendation interferes with an essential element of a course, they should contact AAC immediately. AAC will engage in an interactive process with the student and faculty member, reviewing the accommodation recommendation and the impact on essential components of the course or an assignment. If a resolution cannot be found, then the request is forwarded to the Department Chair and/or Academic Dean for review. Chair/Dean will continue the interactive process with all parties and make a recommendation.
  1. The student may appeal to the VPAA/Provost, who may review the request, all supporting documentation, and meet with involved parties as necessary.
  1. The VPAA/Provost makes the decision, and notifies all parties in writing. The decision of the VPAA/Provost is final.